¡¡Products --> General Series Filters

General Series Filters

As the water passes through the coarse screen (1) of the filter, there is a gradual build-up of
dirt on the fine screen (2). This causes a gradual increase in pressure differential between the
inside and outside of the screen. When the pressure drop reaches a preset level, the cleaning
cycle commences.

Cleaning Cycle
The rinse controller (8) activates the hydraulic valves (5) and piston (6), and water from the
hydraulic motor chamber (4) flows out. Pressure inside the hydraulic motor chamber, the dirt
collector (3) and inside the suction nozzles (9) drops to a very low level. This creates a pressure
gradient between the reverse side of the screen (2) (clean water) and the inside of the screen
(dirty water), opposite the suction nozzles. This backflushing operation cleans the screen ahead
of the suction nozzle.

The water and the dirt passing through the hydraulic motor (7) cause the collector to rotate, while
the piston is activated in an axial movement. The combination of the axial and rotational movement
of the nozzles means that the entire area of the fine screen is totally cleaned.

As dirt on the fine screen is washed out, the pressure gradient disappears, the rinse controller unit
closes the hydraulic valves, and the piston moves back to its original position. The system is now
ready for the next rinsing cycle.

NO. Model



Screen area cm2



Flat Zig-Zag Empty Full
1 WA02LE 25 1530 4600 564 80


2 WA03L 40 1530 4600 604 90  150
3 WA02LE 40 1530 4600 604 90 150 
4 WA04L 80 3060 9200 748 104 184 
5 WA04LE 80 1530 4600 748 93 153 
6 WA06 150 1530 4600 910 109 189 
7 WA06E 150 1530 4600 910 110 200 
8 WA06L 150 3060 9200 910 130 253 
9 WA08 300 3060 9200 1176 152 292 
10 WA10 400 4080 12300 1340 254  494
11 WA10L 400 6100 18300 1340 280 560 
12 WA12 600 6100 18300 1450 300  640
13 WA14 900 6900 20500 1532 435 865 
NO. Model



Screen area cm2



Flat Zig-Zag Empty Full
1 WA02LPE 25 1530 4600 450 80 140 
2 WA03LP 40 1530 4600 450 95 155 
3 WA02LPE 40 1530 4600 450 93 153 
4 WA04LP 80 3060 9200 900 100 180
5 WA04LPE 80 1530 4600 450 92  152
6 WA06P 150 1530 4600 450 108  188
7 WA06PE 150 1530 4600 450 108  198
8 WA06LP 150 3060 9200 900 127  250
9 WA06XLP 120 4600 13800 900 142 252 
10 WA08P 300 3060 9200 900


11 WA08LP 300 4600 13800 900 160 340 
12 WA10P 400 4080 12300 1100 260  500
13 WA10LP 400 6100 18300 1100 268 548 
14 WA12P 600 6100 18300 1100 291  631
15 WA14P 900 6900 20500 1270 315 745 
16 WA16P 1100 6900 20500 1270 435 885 

Pressure losses for various flow capacities

Screen available flat:
80, 100,120,150,200,200,400,800,1500,3000 micron.
zig-zag: 50,80,100,120,150,200 micron.
Pressure losses for maximum flow capacity: 0.2 bar.
Maximum working pressure
:16 bar gauge
Minimum upstream line pressure required during rinse cycle:
All models except for "E" series:
2 bar,"E" series:3.5 bar.
Maximum working temperature:65 deg C.
Approximate rinse cycle time:Piston models:8-18 sec.
Other data available on request.

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